Balkonsolar - year two in review
2 January 2025
Thomas Hampel
It's been two years ago when I installed two solar panels on my balcony to produce my own power.
I've already blogged about it at length last year.
Now another year has passed and I'd like to review it again because some parameters have changed.
1. The cost of power per kW has reduced from € 0,49 to € 0,35 per kWh
2. Panels are now positioned at an angle instead of just hanging at 90degrees
3. New solar panels are cheaper than ever before.
so lets take a look 2024.
I've done a first assessment exactly one year ago, so now its time to review the second year of running my own mini solar power production at home.
Following are the plain unfiltered figures:
Produced : 552,53 kWh, so 121,81 kWh more than last year.
I've returned 109 kWh to the grid (for free) due to producing more than what I have used, mainly because I was on vacation away from home.
At a current price of € 0,35 / kWh it results in savings of € 193,39 for 2024, compared to € 210,62 for 2023
This is about 17 Eur less than last year where power was more expensive a year ago : € 0,49 vs. € 0,35 / kWh.
Also this is indeed a high cost per kWh compared to € 0,32 / kWh which you could get with a new contract - however, last year it was the cheapest option for us.
I am including the energy I have returned to the grid worth € 38,15 in my savings calculation because it was on me to use it.
Here is the chart showing power production over the course of the year.
In this year, the month of August seemed to be the best month, shortly followed by July - both months providing a good amount of sunlight and power output.

When putting 2023 and 2024 side by side, you can see what a difference it makes to mount panels at an angle.
I have to admit, I have certainly not mounted my panels in the most optimal position. However, it really makes a difference!
Overall a 28% more output from exactly the same modules.

Ok, great - now what's next?
UPGRADE! This year the legal situation changed in Germany. It is now allowe to run with an 800W inverter while I'm still using the basic 600W inverter.
I already bought the new inverter, but have not found time to do the upgrade. Overall I'm not expecting a huge power boost, but a small 10% to maybe 20% imporvement during peak season in summer.
Price for new solar panels has dropped to <60 Eur / piece for a 450 Wp panel, e.g. Trina Solar.
EUR 110,- for 2x Panels (€ 55,- each)
EUR 110,- for 1x Hoymiles HM-800
EUR 80,- for panel mount/equipment
EUR 50,- for some 5m solar power cables,adapters and other small parts
= EUR 350,-
Given current figures, the entire investment would have already payed off in just two years!.
Just because I bought my equipment at a slightly higher price it will take another year for me to get a return on invest.
Is it (still) worth it ?
Need to repeat my previous statement from 2023 : Absolutely YES YES YES YES!
Even at current energy prices and prices of new solar panels you'll have a return of invest in under two years.
That is comparable to an interest rate of >50% - where on earth do you get that for your bank account?
My advise:
Dont wait, START NOW and install as many solar panels as you (leagally) can.
This year I helped two more friends with buiding their own "Balkonkraftwerk".
It's been two years ago when I installed two solar panels on my balcony to produce my own power.
I've already blogged about it at length last year.
Now another year has passed and I'd like to review it again because some parameters have changed.
1. The cost of power per kW has reduced from € 0,49 to € 0,35 per kWh
2. Panels are now positioned at an angle instead of just hanging at 90degrees
3. New solar panels are cheaper than ever before.
so lets take a look 2024.
I've done a first assessment exactly one year ago, so now its time to review the second year of running my own mini solar power production at home.
Following are the plain unfiltered figures:
Produced : 552,53 kWh, so 121,81 kWh more than last year.
I've returned 109 kWh to the grid (for free) due to producing more than what I have used, mainly because I was on vacation away from home.
At a current price of € 0,35 / kWh it results in savings of € 193,39 for 2024, compared to € 210,62 for 2023
This is about 17 Eur less than last year where power was more expensive a year ago : € 0,49 vs. € 0,35 / kWh.
Also this is indeed a high cost per kWh compared to € 0,32 / kWh which you could get with a new contract - however, last year it was the cheapest option for us.
I am including the energy I have returned to the grid worth € 38,15 in my savings calculation because it was on me to use it.
Here is the chart showing power production over the course of the year.
In this year, the month of August seemed to be the best month, shortly followed by July - both months providing a good amount of sunlight and power output.
When putting 2023 and 2024 side by side, you can see what a difference it makes to mount panels at an angle.
I have to admit, I have certainly not mounted my panels in the most optimal position. However, it really makes a difference!
Overall a 28% more output from exactly the same modules.
Ok, great - now what's next?
UPGRADE! This year the legal situation changed in Germany. It is now allowe to run with an 800W inverter while I'm still using the basic 600W inverter.
I already bought the new inverter, but have not found time to do the upgrade. Overall I'm not expecting a huge power boost, but a small 10% to maybe 20% imporvement during peak season in summer.
Price for new solar panels has dropped to <60 Eur / piece for a 450 Wp panel, e.g. Trina Solar.
EUR 110,- for 2x Panels (€ 55,- each)
EUR 110,- for 1x Hoymiles HM-800
EUR 80,- for panel mount/equipment
EUR 50,- for some 5m solar power cables,adapters and other small parts
= EUR 350,-
Given current figures, the entire investment would have already payed off in just two years!.
Just because I bought my equipment at a slightly higher price it will take another year for me to get a return on invest.
Is it (still) worth it ?
Need to repeat my previous statement from 2023 : Absolutely YES YES YES YES!
Even at current energy prices and prices of new solar panels you'll have a return of invest in under two years.
That is comparable to an interest rate of >50% - where on earth do you get that for your bank account?
My advise:
Dont wait, START NOW and install as many solar panels as you (leagally) can.
This year I helped two more friends with buiding their own "Balkonkraftwerk".
Tagged with: Solar
Bug: Mail routing and mail rules stop working after restarting Domino
13 December 2024
Thomas Hampel
*** ALERT ***
Development team just identified a new issue which will affect ALL Domino server versions as of TODAY ( 13th of December 2024 )
Starting as of today, if you restart your Domino server, a router error will result in delivery failures due to a routing loop.
Mail rules will also start failing. It is a date/time issue in our code.
What is affected is outbound mail only. Inbound mail is working fine
It's a bug that seems to exist since 30+ years and has not been spotted by IBM nor by Lotus.
We will of course provide a fix as soon as possible for all Domino versions that are in support.
Furthermore for older versions in extended support, customers with an extended support agreement will be provided with a fix as well.
For now, to avoid the problem please avoid restarting your servers and also please DO NOT attempt to fix the issue by changing operating system time into the past.
If you have restarted Domino and you or your customers are experiencing issues please contact support to open a case referencing SPR# BRISDBWRXJ .
*** UPDATE ***
The first set of fixes are available for download now at :
- Domino 14.0.0FP3 IF1 - Windows+ Linux
- Domino 14.0.0FP2 IF2 - Windows
- Domino 12.0.2FP5 IF1 - Windows + Linux
- Domino 11.0.1FP9 IF1 - Windows + Linux
*** UPDATE 2 ***
Second batch of updates is now available, now adding AIX:
- Domino 14.0.0FP3 IF1 - Windows + Linux + AIX
- Domino 14.0.0FP2 IF2 - Windows + Linux + AIX
- Domino 12.0.2FP5 IF1 - Windows + Linux + AIX
- Domino 11.0.1FP9 IF1 - Windows + Linux + AIX
If you have opened a ticket and have installed the fix successfully, please don't forget to close the support ticket afterwards.
Further information will be provided in this article
*** ALERT ***
Development team just identified a new issue which will affect ALL Domino server versions as of TODAY ( 13th of December 2024 )
Starting as of today, if you restart your Domino server, a router error will result in delivery failures due to a routing loop.
Mail rules will also start failing. It is a date/time issue in our code.
What is affected is outbound mail only. Inbound mail is working fine
It's a bug that seems to exist since 30+ years and has not been spotted by IBM nor by Lotus.
We will of course provide a fix as soon as possible for all Domino versions that are in support.
Furthermore for older versions in extended support, customers with an extended support agreement will be provided with a fix as well.
For now, to avoid the problem please avoid restarting your servers and also please DO NOT attempt to fix the issue by changing operating system time into the past.
If you have restarted Domino and you or your customers are experiencing issues please contact support to open a case referencing SPR# BRISDBWRXJ .
*** UPDATE ***
The first set of fixes are available for download now at :
- Domino 14.0.0FP3 IF1 - Windows+ Linux
- Domino 14.0.0FP2 IF2 - Windows
- Domino 12.0.2FP5 IF1 - Windows + Linux
- Domino 11.0.1FP9 IF1 - Windows + Linux
*** UPDATE 2 ***
Second batch of updates is now available, now adding AIX:
- Domino 14.0.0FP3 IF1 - Windows + Linux + AIX
- Domino 14.0.0FP2 IF2 - Windows + Linux + AIX
- Domino 12.0.2FP5 IF1 - Windows + Linux + AIX
- Domino 11.0.1FP9 IF1 - Windows + Linux + AIX
If you have opened a ticket and have installed the fix successfully, please don't forget to close the support ticket afterwards.
Further information will be provided in this article
Tagged with: Domino
Dezember 2024: AcceptIT Anwendertage in Paderborn + Dusseldorf + Leipzig + Stuttgart
28 November 2024
Thomas Hampel
Nächste Woche bin ich als Sprecher bei den AcceptIT Anwendertagen 2024 am 3. Dezember 2024 in Paderborn dabei.
Die Anwendertage sind eine Roadshow mit 4 Events verteilt über Deutschland um Teilnehmern eine kurze Anreise zu ermöglichen.
Es gibt einen Überblick zu allem was es in Notes/Domino usw. neues gibt und was mit Domino 14.5 demnächst erscheint.
Wir reden auch über IT Sicherheit, Datenschutz und Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ohne Cloud.
Nach dem Auftakt in Paderborn geht es nach Düsseldorf (5.12.) und dann in der folgenden Woche nach Leipzig (10.12.) und Stuttgart (12.12.).
Man darf sich übrigens noch anmelden:
3. Dec 2024 - Germany/Paderborn
Accept IT Anwendertage - Event website
5. Dec 2024 - Germany/Düsseldorf
Accept IT Anwendertage - Event website
10. Dec. 2024 - Germany/Leipzig
Accept IT Anwendertage - Event website
12. Dec. 2024 - Germany/Stuttgart
Accept IT Anwendertage - Event website
Nächste Woche bin ich als Sprecher bei den AcceptIT Anwendertagen 2024 am 3. Dezember 2024 in Paderborn dabei.
Die Anwendertage sind eine Roadshow mit 4 Events verteilt über Deutschland um Teilnehmern eine kurze Anreise zu ermöglichen.
Es gibt einen Überblick zu allem was es in Notes/Domino usw. neues gibt und was mit Domino 14.5 demnächst erscheint.
Wir reden auch über IT Sicherheit, Datenschutz und Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ohne Cloud.
Nach dem Auftakt in Paderborn geht es nach Düsseldorf (5.12.) und dann in der folgenden Woche nach Leipzig (10.12.) und Stuttgart (12.12.).
Man darf sich übrigens noch anmelden:
3. Dec 2024 - Germany/Paderborn
Accept IT Anwendertage - Event website
5. Dec 2024 - Germany/Düsseldorf
Accept IT Anwendertage - Event website
10. Dec. 2024 - Germany/Leipzig
Accept IT Anwendertage - Event website
12. Dec. 2024 - Germany/Stuttgart
Accept IT Anwendertage - Event website
Tagged with: Events
Welcome Domino License Analysis Utility (DLAU) 1.2.6
20 November 2024
Thomas Hampel
Hi Folks,
the new version 1.2.6 of the Domino License Analysis Utility (DLAU) has just been published.
The tool allows customers to analyze their current environment to identify the license needs.
What's has changed in this release?
- Issue #79 - “External Org” users getting improperly categorized as Known Guests
- Issue #78 - External users by organization name is case sensitive
- Issue #72 - Directory Assistance processed differently based on sequence of loading server docs
- UI/UX Issues in Scan Wizard: “Environment Scan Results” is not displaying the list of additional Domino Directories found
- UI/UX Issues in Scan Wizard: “User Report Tool” Scan tab should no longer allow the user to change the location of the User Report Tool.
- User Report Tool Selection Change
Here is a direct link to the download page for DLAU V1.2.6
For more details and to download the latest version see
PS: As mentioned in our privacy statement, the tool performs all activity in your environment with no data being sent back to HCL without your explicit consent.
Hi Folks,
the new version 1.2.6 of the Domino License Analysis Utility (DLAU) has just been published.
The tool allows customers to analyze their current environment to identify the license needs.
What's has changed in this release?
- Issue #79 - “External Org” users getting improperly categorized as Known Guests
- Issue #78 - External users by organization name is case sensitive
- Issue #72 - Directory Assistance processed differently based on sequence of loading server docs
- UI/UX Issues in Scan Wizard: “Environment Scan Results” is not displaying the list of additional Domino Directories found
- UI/UX Issues in Scan Wizard: “User Report Tool” Scan tab should no longer allow the user to change the location of the User Report Tool.
- User Report Tool Selection Change
Here is a direct link to the download page for DLAU V1.2.6
For more details and to download the latest version see
PS: As mentioned in our privacy statement, the tool performs all activity in your environment with no data being sent back to HCL without your explicit consent.
What is a Large Domino Application and why DAOS rocks
4 October 2024
Thomas Hampel
What is a large Domino application?
To answer this question you might think of limits of the NSF datastore, such as 64Gbyte in v9 and 256GByte with Domino v10 and up.
Well, that is just what the NSF itself can store.
Thanks to DAOS you can put a lot more data into an application or mail file using attachments as they are stored outside of the NSF in a transparent way.
Recently a customer brought up an interesting example of an application they are running in production.
Database properties look like this:

I had to look twice to realize that it is cutting off "MByte" at the end, so this SINGLE instance in fact has a size of
13 TeraByte
I've seen this in test environments or playgrounds but never in the wild before.
To double check we looked at the files panel of the Admin client, which confirmed the size:

The application is working fine and is heavily used (as you can see), just backup and some maintenance tasks were a bid slow (one might guess why)
It's an app for records management and most of its size is caused by DAOS objects. In fact there are 1,9 million DAOS objects just used by this application.

Impressive and clearly a last and final reminder to customers out there who have not enabled DAOS yet.
It is not only going to save lots of storage cost, it also benefits the performance and scalability of your databases.
If you already use DAOS, take a look at the new DAOS Tuner which can optimize your environment
Large Domino Server?
Speaking of large, let me post a screenshot from a Domino server which marks the largest single Domino server (not partitioned, in prodution use) I came across so far

What is a Large Mail?
I'm sure admins out there have all seen something like this:
...a single mail with a size of 1,6 GByte, obviously containing a maultaschen recipe, which was routed perfectly fine.

While this is certainly not the world record for the largest mail, but it's one that I've seen myself and was able to take a screenshot from.
Reading about email size limits of 100 MB or even 20 MB per message as enforced at most cloud vendors sounds silly compared to what Domino was routing just fine for decades.
What about you?
Have you seen similar cases ? Do you even have examples of large Domino applications, servers, mail, etc. beyond those above?
If so, please send me a mail - preferably with (anonymized) screenshots.
- The Domino® Attachment and Object Service (DAOS)
- New DAOS Tuner in Domino 14.5
PS: Thanks D. for the screenshots
What is a large Domino application?
To answer this question you might think of limits of the NSF datastore, such as 64Gbyte in v9 and 256GByte with Domino v10 and up.
Well, that is just what the NSF itself can store.
Thanks to DAOS you can put a lot more data into an application or mail file using attachments as they are stored outside of the NSF in a transparent way.
Recently a customer brought up an interesting example of an application they are running in production.
Database properties look like this:
I had to look twice to realize that it is cutting off "MByte" at the end, so this SINGLE instance in fact has a size of
13 TeraByte
I've seen this in test environments or playgrounds but never in the wild before.
To double check we looked at the files panel of the Admin client, which confirmed the size:
The application is working fine and is heavily used (as you can see), just backup and some maintenance tasks were a bid slow (one might guess why)
It's an app for records management and most of its size is caused by DAOS objects. In fact there are 1,9 million DAOS objects just used by this application.
Impressive and clearly a last and final reminder to customers out there who have not enabled DAOS yet.
It is not only going to save lots of storage cost, it also benefits the performance and scalability of your databases.
If you already use DAOS, take a look at the new DAOS Tuner which can optimize your environment
Large Domino Server?
Speaking of large, let me post a screenshot from a Domino server which marks the largest single Domino server (not partitioned, in prodution use) I came across so far
What is a Large Mail?
I'm sure admins out there have all seen something like this:
...a single mail with a size of 1,6 GByte, obviously containing a maultaschen recipe, which was routed perfectly fine.
While this is certainly not the world record for the largest mail, but it's one that I've seen myself and was able to take a screenshot from.
Reading about email size limits of 100 MB or even 20 MB per message as enforced at most cloud vendors sounds silly compared to what Domino was routing just fine for decades.
What about you?
Have you seen similar cases ? Do you even have examples of large Domino applications, servers, mail, etc. beyond those above?
If so, please send me a mail - preferably with (anonymized) screenshots.
- The Domino® Attachment and Object Service (DAOS)
- New DAOS Tuner in Domino 14.5
PS: Thanks D. for the screenshots
Tagged with: Domino