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Developers: New C API Toolkit 12.0 is available now- 2 September 2021 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 2 September 2021

Again: good news for developers and partners out there who work on plugins and extensions for Domino.
We just published the V12 version of the C API Toolkit for Domino and Notes:

Image:Developers: New C API Toolkit 12.0 is available now
Interesting side note: after 7 years without any new release, HCL published two major releases of the toolkit just in one year.

This new version provides a number of new API calls and -as promosed- provides the make files and MSVS project files
developers were looking for.
You can find the new V12 C API Toolkit in the Domino V12 server product category on Flexnet Downloads

Image:Developers: New C API Toolkit 12.0 is available now


Developers: New C API Toolkit 11.0.1 now available- 8 February 2021 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 8 February 2021

Good news for developers and partners out there who work on plugins and extensions for Domino.
We just published a new version of the C API Toolkit, actually the first new version since more than 7 years.

This is the first HCL shipment of the C API and it signals an ongoing commitment to revamp the C API delopment story,
it now supports building applications using the GUI environment for Visual Studio 2017.

However, as
Ulrich Krause already highlighted in his blog it does contain just a very few new API calls yet, also make files were removed because they did not work anymore.
HCL's development team is working on a V12 version of the C API Toolkit that will be providing make files and MSVS project files again. This version 12 will be provided after Domino V12 has shipped.

You can find the current/updated C API Toolkit in the Domino server product category on
Flexnet Downloads

Image:Developers: New C API Toolkit 11.0.1 now available


NotesAPI - Import Pictures into RichText Fields using Backend Classes- 26 August 2014 - (3) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 26 August 2014

Importing pictures into a RichText field as embedded object is easy in the Notes Client. One can use the File\Import function to get this done - unfortunately this function is not available when running scheduled agents on a server.
So how can it be done?

Some time ago
Andre Guirard published a LotusScript example as part of the OpenNTF project LotusScript Gold Collection to import a picture using the NotesDXLExporter class to export an existing NotesDocument to XML while then injecting the new image including all its metadata into this XML.

Oh and of course I know we could be using
Tivoli Directory Integrator or commercial solutions such as...
But why installing another software or using 3rd party solutions if there are existing API calls that can be used. So yet another - less expensive - method to import pictures into RichText is the Notes API.
Beside being faster, this method is will also work for older versions of the Notes Client, so feel free to use this script for mass-import of pictures into the Domino Directory


(Thanks to Rod Whiteley for this old
forum post)

Unable to set/unset ’Record activity’ programmatically- 9 March 2014 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 9 March 2014

One little checkbox in Notes/Domino which can cause some headaches is "Record activity" which can be found in the Database Properties / User Detail window.
Audit & Compliance teams as well as work councils love it...

Image:Unable to set/unset ’Record activity’ programmatically
...and they always have the same opinion on how to set it, right?

Yes, I know you can
disable actvity logging for all databases on a server to improve performance, but what if you need the opposite compliance reasons? What if you need to enable activity logging for a few (hundred) databases at once, but not for all?

Developers of crouse will start searching the
Designer documentation for a LotusScript class of some sort, realizing quickly that it doesnt exist.
Next step of your research would be the
Notes C/C++ API Toolkits which normally provide methods to resolve the toughest problem -- bad luck this time.

Furtunately there are
clever business partners who seem to have found a way to mass-modify user activity settings by using the full version of the databaseEZ tool. (Thanks Ben for the hint)
Although this tool provides fast pain relief it is not always a perfect solution - think of situations where a large amount of servers is involved, or where admins dont have manager access to mail files, or where the setting has to be set on a regular basis etc.

So unfortunately there seems to be no (easy) programmatic way to modify this flag, at least there is no ready-made C-API, LotusScript or Java class for changing it.

The problem has already been reported to IBM within SPR # MSTS9G3AVP
Thomas Hampel, All rights reserved.