Query results for : Cloud
IBM Mail Onboarding Manager - Failed to get delegate list.- 11 September 2016 - (0) Comments
Thomas Hampel
11 September 2016Moving users from Exchange to Domino is called 'migration' , and moving from an on-premises Domino environment to the cloud is called "onboarding".
IBM provides the Mail Onboarding Manager (MOM) for moving users to the cloud.
While MOM worked fine for all other users, I've been running into a problem with one specific user.
An error was reported when I was trying to move this account to the cloud. The error message was "Delegate is not in service"
In my specific case, MOM was looping between "Completed quality check" and "Replicating mail file".
Replication from the mail server to the MOM server worked fine, but then MOM did not succeed in uploading the mail file to Connections Cloud.
The MOM log file showed error "4005: Replication is disabled".
Root cause:
The mail server or its cluster partner contains a database with exactly the same replicaID as the mail file you are trying to move to the cloud.
Possibly it is a restore of the mail file where replication is disabled for this NSF file.
Delete the other database or change the replicaID of the other NSF file using this code.
Email Attachment Filters - What are the file types in each Category?- 4 April 2016 - (0) Comments
Thomas Hampel
4 April 2016IBM Connections Cloud customers can configure Email Filters in the Account Settings / Email Filters
Recently (end of March) those filters have been updated with a new feature to filter attachments cased on a certain type.
But what exactly are the file types that are being filtered when you enable this feature for a specific category?
IBM Connections Cloud is using IBM (Lotus) Protector for Mail Security, which allows to filter attachment based on mime types.
Attachment categories displayed here relate to the media type analysis module of IBM Protector which describes in detail which file types or file extensions are being filtered.
Here is a more detailled list of file types in each category.
Please note that this list is going to change in the future so I can not provide any guarantuee for completeness.
Application or Executable Files
- AUTOCAD file (dwg)
- BitTorrent meta info file (torrent)
- DOS executable (com, exe, sys)
- DOS/Windows Executable file format (com, exe, scr, sys)
- Dynamic Link Library (cpl, dll, drv, ocx, x32)
- Executable and Linkable Format (elf, so)
- Microsoft Outlook's Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (dat, tnef)
- Integrated Color Management file (icm)
- Java class file (class)
- Library file format (a, lib)
- Link [Shortcut Windows file format] (lnk)
- Lotus Notes database (nsf)
- MS Compiled HTML file (chi, chm)
- MS Outlook Electronic Mail file [according to RFC 822] (eml)
- MS Outlook Internet Account File (iaf)
- MS Outlook Message file (msg, oft)
- MS Outlook Personal information STore (pst)
- MS Outlook Windows Address Book file (wab)
- Object files (o, obj)
- PKCS #7 Signature (p7m, p7s, pkcs7)
- Self-extracting ZIP file format (exe)
- Symbian Installation file (sis, sisx)
- Tex Device Independent document (dvi)
- TrueType Font (ttf)
- Windows Helpfile (gid, hlp)
- Windows Program Information File (pif)
- Windows Registry file (reg)
Archival Files
- 7-Zip archive (7z)
- ACE archive (ace)
- ALZip archive (alz)
- Amiga LZX archive (lzx)
- APPLE single or double Encoded Macintosh file
- ARC archive (arc)
- ARJ archive (arj)
- BlakHole archive (bh)
- BZip2 archive (bz2, tbz)
- Copy In/Out archive (cpio)
- Debian binary package (deb)
- Gnu ZIP archive (emz, gz, tgz, wmz)
- HQX archive [BinHex'd file] (hqx)
- Installshield CAB archive (cab, hdr)
- ISO9660 image (iso)
- LH ARC archive (lha, lzh)
- Linux RedHat Package Manager archive (rpm)
- MacBinary encoded file (bin)
- MBOX archive (mbox, mbx)
- Media Disk Image File (ldf, mdf)
- Microsoft Compressed file
- MIME HTML web page archive (mht)
- MS Cabinet archive (cab)
- Parity Archive volume set (par, par2)
- PGP Zip file (pgp)
- RAR archive (r00, r01, r02, rar)
- Squeeze archive [HLSQZ
- SQWEZ] (sqz)
- Standard unix compress (taz, z)
- StuffIT archive (sit)
- StuffIT X archive (sitx)
- UHArc archive (uha)
- Ultra Compressor 2 archive (uc2)
- Unix Tape Archive (tar)
- UUEncoded ASCII file (uu, uue, xxe)
- ZIP archive [includes Java ARchives] (jar, pk3, zip)
- ZOO archive (zoo)
- [Mac OS X] Disk Image (dmg)
Image or Photo Files
- Animated cursor file (ani)
- ART image (art)
- Bitmap pixel graphic for Windows or OS/2 (bmp, dib)
- Corel Vector Graphic Drawing (cdr)
- DJVU scanned image (djv, djvu)
- AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Format (dxf)
- Enhanced Windows Meta File image (emf)
- DOS Encapsulated PostScript binary file (eps)
- GEM raster image (gem, img)
- CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format (gif)
- Windows icon or cursor resource file (cur, ico)
- Interchange File Format image (iff)
- JPEG Network Graphics (jng)
- JPEG 2000 compliant image (j2k, jp2)
- Joint Photographic Expert Group compliant image (jfif, jif, jpe, jpeg, jpg)
- LuraWave image (lwf)
- Multiple-image Network Graphics (mng)
- Portable Any Map (pam)
- Portable Bit Map [ASCII format] (pbm)
- Portable Bit Map [binary format] (pbm)
- Zsoft Paintbrush image (pcx)
- Portable Grey Map [ASCII format] (pgm)
- Portable Grey Map [binary format] (pgm)
- PICTOR / PC Paint image file (pic)
- Portable Network Graphics image (png)
- Portable Pixel Map [ASCII format] (ppm)
- Portable Pixel Map [binary format] (ppm)
- Adobe Photoshop image (psd)
- Paint Shop Pro image (jsl, pfr, psp, tub)
- Sun Raster image (ras, sun)
- Utah Run Length Encoded bitmap image (rle)
- Silicon Graphics bitmap Image (sgi)
- Still Picture Interchange Format File image (spf)
- StarView Metafile (svm)
- Truevision Targa image (tga)
- Tagged Image File Format (tif, tiff)
- Windows Meta File image (wmf)
- WordPerfect Graphic (wpg)
- X11-BitMap image (xbm)
- GIMP XCF image (xcf)
- X11-PixMap image (xpm)
Video or Multimedia
- Apple QuickTime MOVie file (mov, qt)
- Audio Video Interleaved animation (avi, divx)
- DVD Video movie (vob)
- FLashVideo (flv)
- Matroska file (mka, mks, mkv)
- Microsoft Media [Advanced Streaming Format
- Motion Pictures Experts Group movie file (m1v, mpe, mpeg, mpg)
- MPEG-4 video (m4v, mp4)
- NullSoft Video file (nsv)
- OGG Vorbis movie file (ogm)
- RealMedia [audio and video] files (ra, ram, rm)
- RealPlayer Internet Video Recording (ivr)
- SGI movie (movie)
- ShockWave Flash file (swf)
- VivoActive video file (viv)
- Windows Media Audio
- Windows Media Video] files (asf, wma, wmv)
- XBOX file (xbe, xex, xpr, xtf)
Audio or Sound Files
- Audio Interchange File Format (aif, aiff)
- CN=MusePack/O=MPEG Plus (mp+, mpc, mplus, mpp)
- Creative Labs sound (voc)
- Free lossless Audio Codec (flac)
- MPEG-1 Layer 3 audio stream (mp2, mp3)
- MPEG-4 Audio (m4a)
- Musical Instrument Digital Interface sound file (mid, midi, rmi)
- OGG Vorbis sound file (ogg)
- Standard Windows WAVeform audio format (wav)
- Sun Audio file (au, snd)
- VQF sound file (vqf)
Text or Document Files
- Corel WordPerfect Document (wp5, wpd)
- Hangul Word Processor 3 document (hwp)
- Lotus 123 Spread-/Worksheet (123, wk2, wk3, wk4)
- Lotus Freelance Presentation (mas, prz, sym)
- Microsoft Access DataBase (mda, mdb, mde, mdt)
- Microsoft Compound Document format (doc, dot, fla, msi, msm, msp, oft, pot, ppa, pps, ppt, vsd, vss, vst, wiz, xla, xls, xlt)
- Microsoft eBook (lit)
- MIME HTML document (mht)
- MS Excel Spreadsheet document (xla, xls, xlt)
- MS Office 2007 Excel spreadsheet document (xlsb, xlsm, xlsx, xltm, xltx)
- MS Office 2007 PowerPoint presentation (potm, potx, ppsm, ppsx, pptm, pptx)
- MS Office 2007 Word document (docm, docx, dotm, dotx)
- MS PowerPoint presentation (pot, ppa, pps, ppt)
- MS Word Document (doc, dot, wiz)
- MS Word for Macintosh document (mcw)
- OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (odc, odf, odg, odi, odm, odp, ods, odt, otg, otp, ots, ott)
- OpenOffice.org/StarOffice 6 document (stc, std, sti, stw, sxc, sxd, sxi, sxm, sxw)
- Word for Windows 2.0 Document (doc)
- Write document (wri)
IBM Connections Cloud is constantly being updated, so file types might very well be changed or updated in the future.
Your milage may vary :)
References and further reading
- Open Mic Call - IBM Lotus Protector for Mail Security
https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27045796 - Lotus Protector Admin Guide
Enable Apple TouchID support in IBM Verse mobile App for IBM Connections Cloud Users- 22 March 2016 - (0) Comments
Thomas Hampel
22 March 2016In general IBM Verse mobile app on iOS supports Apple's TouchID for authentication.
And we might agree that using fingerprints for unlocking phone is not only a convenient way for busy people, its also more secure than a 4 (or 6) digit passcode that anyone can get by shoulder surfing
According to Going Mobile with IBM Verse ( see slide #44 ) this feature seems to be available only for on premises Domino servers so unfortunately IBM Connections Cloud users cant use it.
Well... lets see :)
First some basics
To enable TouchID support In an on premises environment, an admin needs to update the on prem Domino Directory using this template which contains a new tab for IBM Verse Security settings.
Which can be allowed or prohibited...
and of course those settings are applied to a user using Domino policies.
Applying the same policy to a Connections Cloud (hybrid configuration) user unfortunately has no effect. TouchID support will remain disabled.
So far about the simple stuff.
Peeking into Policies and Profiles:
When enabling this setting in an OnPrem environment, a field named "devPapplAppTouchID" is set to "1" in the policy settings document.
Taking a closer look into the user's mail file using NotesPeek the same field name can be found in a profile document called "travelerprofile"
Comparing this traveler profile document of an OnPrem user with a user in Connections Cloud shows that the field does not exist.
...so if this is the only reason for the TouchID not to work, lets try to set it :)
Activate TouchID support for Connections Cloud users
All we need to do is set the field "devPapplAppTouchID" to a value of "1" in the "travelerprofile".
To do that use the following code in an agent or button...
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim profile As NotesDocument
Set profile = s.CurrentDatabase.GetProfileDocument ("travelerprofile")
If Not profile.IsNewNote And profile.IsValid Then
If profile.getitemvalue ("devPapplAppTouchID")(0) = "" Then
Call profile.replaceitemvalue ("devPapplAppTouchID","1")
Call profile.save(True,False)
Msgbox "TouchID support has been enabled."
End If
End If
Once this code runs against the current mail file the missing field is set and a couple of minutes later TouchID support for the IBM Verse App will be enabled on your Phone.
Hint : In case you're working in a local replica, make sure to replicate
Please note the method described above is not officially supported, so please use at your own risk!
- Technote 1699618 - New Domino Directory Template with IBM Verse Security Settings tab
- IBM Connect 2016 Presentation 1129 Going Mobile with IBM Verse, by Rene Winkelmeyer & Stijn Van Herzele
- Technote 4005686 - NotesPeek 1.53 tool for viewing Notes databases
Connections Cloud - Upload Logo- 15 March 2016 - (0) Comments
Thomas Hampel
15 March 2016Having difficulties uploading your company logo in IBM Connections Cloud ? I'm talking about
It seems like there is a small problem which is being investigated already. As a quick workaround you can use Firefox with Firebug installed
You can select your company logo but changes will not be taken over when you click on Save Changes
Hit F12 to launch Firebug and select this icon:
Then hover over the navigation bar
In the HTML tab you should now see the following code highlighted:
all you have to do is to remove the property "value" which I have highlighted in red.
the result should look like this:
When completed just click "Save Changes" and your logo will be updated.
- IBM Connections Cloud - Customize Theme
- RT 185582
Checklist for Smartcloud Notes Hybrid Configuration- 12 November 2015 - (0) Comments
Thomas Hampel
12 November 2015Your first step towards the cloud is to build a hybrid environment e.g. to support a proof of concept in your environment.
In most cases customers would like to move a few users to the cloud to experience the onboarding process, confirm seamless coexistence of on-premises and cloud environments, and explore new features of the cloud such as IBM Verse.
Although IBM provides a full training course for setting up a hybrid environment, I still would like to (with friendly support of Hagen Bauer) provide a checklist for customers to support this process and getting started as quickly as possible.
This checklist may not be perfect, you should still read the documentation and talk to your certified IBM expert of choice.
It is supposed to be a checklist for customers, not for certified onboarding specialists that will move your IBM Notes mail to IBM Cloud.
Suggestions and ideas for further improvement are always welcome.
This is a graphical overview of a hybrid environment. On top are your (On-Premises) servers, at the bottom are cloud servers and in between (red) the internet.
- Check your inventory! Are current servers available? Are they accessible? Are they placed in the network zone they are expected to be?
See graphic above and verify positioning of:
#1 = Domino Administrator Client
#2 = On-Premises Mail Server
#3 = On-Premises Directory Mail Server
#4 = Passthru Server in DMZ - Complete this table with data from your environment. Make its correct and complete.
- Configure your Firewall for inbound and outbound traffic.
Check twice, and verify Firewall settings once again before claiming to be done. A mistake at this point will cause headaches later on. - Make sure your passthru server is using the same root certificate as your HUB and MAIL server?
Can the Admin client (see #1 in the graphic above) access the passthru server? - Create a new OrgUnit based on your current Domino certificate. This certificate will be used later on for all your Domino servers in the cloud.
Example: "/SCN/Company" or "/Cloud/SRV/Company" - In your current environment, does your Global Domain Document meet those requirements?
- Make sure you still have the SmartCloud activation email available. The one that contains the SmartCloud activation link.
Oh, and make sure the link has not expired. - In the SmartCloud Notes account initial setup, did you choose "Hybrid Account" ?
If not you need to request a full reset of your account by contacting support@collabserv.com - Define a name prefix for your cloud mail servers. Choose a short but remarkable prefix and dont pick something too fancy.
Example: **Cloud-**/SCN/Company - Are you prepared to create new and modify existing DNS records for your company domain?
Make sure you have control over your DNS records.
All of the above steps are part of the documentation, but not in a single place. I hope you can make use of this reference in your SmartCloud onboarding project.
Feedback is very welcome, so drop me a mail or send a tweet
Now available : Multi-Party Audio/Video conferencing for Connections Cloud- 2 July 2015 - (0) Comments
Thomas Hampel
2 July 2015On June 30th, 2015, a new capability, multi-party audio/video (A/V), became available in Connections Meetings Cloud.
You can now use video and voice conferencing services using VoIP (Voice over IP) as part of the Connections Meetings offerings at no extra charge.
This feature is available for customers with the following subscriptions:
- IBM Connections Cloud S1
- IBM Connections Cloud S2
- IBM Connections Meetings on Cloud
There is a public Technote which describes the process for Administrators to enable A/V for users in their organizations.
For more details on how to use it please see the following references:
- How do I enable multi-party audio/video for Connections Meetings Cloud users?
- Multi-person audio and video for meetings
Sharpen your camera focus and enjoy!