Personal Blog of Thomas Hampel - Creative Mythbusting in Development and Collaboration

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Query results for : Connections

Where are all the Plug-ins for IBM Connections?- 1 October 2018 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 1 October 2018

IBM Connections CR3 was just released and we are about to release Notes V10 next week.
In preparation of the product launch, the IBM Connections Plug-ins for IBM Notes has been updated to support Notes V10.
Some time ago those plug-ins were provided at the Greenhouse Application Catalog , but this site has been replaced by IBM Bluefizz which is now the new host for all sorts of solutions.

Maybe you noticed that the download itself are not hosted on BlueFizz, so you do not need to log in at all to download it.
Just head over to developerWorks and grab the file of interest directly using these links:
Direct Download
IBM Connections Desktop Plug-ins for Microsoft Windows
IBM Connections for MacOSX
IBM Connections Plug-ins for IBM Notes
IBM Connections Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook
IBM Connections Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint


What is the size limits for embedded images in IBM Connections?- 5 September 2016 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 5 September 2016

IBM Connections Cloud is offering a wooping 1 TByte of personal file storage and 50 Gbyte of storage for each community.
What you might not be aware of is that there is another limit which apply when embedded images.

While the industry is talking about 4k-UltraHD displays with 8 megapixels, the standard computer display these days doesnt have more than a FullHD display ( 1920x1080 pixel ) with 2 megapixels.
I stumbled into those limits when working with a really large JPG file: in my case it was an image with 96 mega pixels (=190 Mbyte, 17384px x 5558px)
A typical JPG image with 4k resolution should have a size of about 10 Mbyte, so its a little odd to complain about not being able to embed a 96 mega pixel image.

There is no limit on height/width, just an overall size limit for each embedded image which unfortunately is not consistent across the different connections applications.

However... here are the limitations for embedding images in the various connections components:
IBM Connections Cloud (S1 / S2)
Files (Personal) 2 Gbyte per file, 1 Tbyte in total
Files (Community) 2 Gbyte per file, 50 Gbyte in total
Activities 2 Gbyte per file
Wiki 75 Mbyte per image
Blog 10 Mbyte per image
Forum 30 MByte per image
Homepage/Status 10 Mbyte per image
Profile 5 Mbyte for profile photo.

Please note that instead of embedding an image, it is always possible to link a link to your personal file store instead which allows linking extra-extra-large images of up to 2Gbyte in size.


In an onprem environment the max. size in MB is part of the error message
Image:What is the size limits for embedded images in IBM Connections?
It is possible to modify these limits by editing the wikis-config.xml
Image:What is the size limits for embedded images in IBM Connections?

or by setting higher defaults for size limits as described by Rainer Brandl

In Connections Cloud the limit is predefined by IBM and can not be changed by customers.
Also the error message in Connections Cloud is a little misleading:
Image:What is the size limits for embedded images in IBM Connections?
Note: A bug report has already been created, so I assume its fixed soon.

Forum, Blog, Ideation Blog

For a Forum post, blog post or ideation blog entry the error message is misleading in Connections Cloud as well as for OnPrem deployments as it indicates a damaged file or virus infection.
Image:What is the size limits for embedded images in IBM Connections?
Of course the file is not virus infected nor damaged.

In onprem deployments the default limit of 1Mbyte can be customized in the files-config.xml
Image:What is the size limits for embedded images in IBM Connections?

...and for Connections Cloud a bug report has been created to update this error message with something more meainingful


IBM Connections Plug-ins for IBM Notes - without logging in at Greenhouse- 25 March 2016 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 25 March 2016

IBM Social Software already posted the availability of the new IBM Connections Plug-Ins for Notes.which adds support for Connections Cloud.
In order to get this plug in you would normally have to browse to the Greenhouse Solutions Catalog , log in , find the package of interest, and then click "Get Download".

Maybe you noticed that the zip file itself is not hosted on Greenhouse, so you do not need to log in at all for downloading it.
Just head over to developerWorks and grab the file directly using this link:

Enable Apple TouchID support in IBM Verse mobile App for IBM Connections Cloud Users- 22 March 2016 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 22 March 2016

In general IBM Verse mobile app on iOS supports Apple's TouchID for authentication.
And we might agree that using fingerprints for unlocking phone is not only a convenient way for busy people, its also more secure than a 4 (or 6) digit passcode that anyone can get by shoulder surfing

According to Going Mobile with IBM Verse ( see slide #44 ) this feature seems to be available only for on premises Domino servers so unfortunately IBM Connections Cloud users cant use it.
Well... lets see :)

First some basics

To enable TouchID support In an on premises environment, an admin needs to update the on prem Domino Directory using this template which contains a new tab for IBM Verse Security settings.
Image:Enable Apple TouchID support in IBM Verse mobile App for IBM Connections Cloud Users
Which can be allowed or prohibited...
Image:Enable Apple TouchID support in IBM Verse mobile App for IBM Connections Cloud Users
and of course those settings are applied to a user using Domino policies.
Applying the same policy to a Connections Cloud (hybrid configuration) user unfortunately has no effect. TouchID support will remain disabled.
So far about the simple stuff.

Peeking into Policies and Profiles:

When enabling this setting in an OnPrem environment, a field named "devPapplAppTouchID" is set to "1" in the policy settings document.
Taking a closer look into the user's mail file using NotesPeek the same field name can be found in a profile document called "travelerprofile"
Image:Enable Apple TouchID support in IBM Verse mobile App for IBM Connections Cloud Users
Comparing this traveler profile document of an OnPrem user with a user in Connections Cloud shows that the field does not exist. if this is the only reason for the TouchID not to work, lets try to set it :)

Activate TouchID support for Connections Cloud users

All we need to do is set the field "devPapplAppTouchID" to a value of "1" in the "travelerprofile".
To do that use the following code in an agent or button...

     Dim s As New NotesSession
     Dim profile As NotesDocument
     Set profile = s.CurrentDatabase.GetProfileDocument ("travelerprofile")
     If Not profile.IsNewNote And profile.IsValid Then
             If profile.getitemvalue ("devPapplAppTouchID")(0) = "" Then
                     Call profile.replaceitemvalue ("devPapplAppTouchID","1")
                     Msgbox "TouchID support has been enabled."
             End If
     End If

Once this code runs against the current mail file the missing field is set and a couple of minutes later TouchID support for the IBM Verse App will be enabled on your Phone.
Hint : In case you're working in a local replica, make sure to replicate

Please note the method described above is not officially supported, so please use at your own risk!


Connections Cloud - Upload Logo- 15 March 2016 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 15 March 2016

Having difficulties uploading your company logo in IBM Connections Cloud ? I'm talking about

It seems like there is a small problem which is being investigated already. As a quick workaround you can use Firefox with Firebug installed
You can select your company logo but changes will not be taken over when you click on Save Changes

Hit F12 to launch Firebug and select this icon:
Image:Connections Cloud - Upload Logo

Then hover over the navigation bar
Image:Connections Cloud - Upload Logo
In the HTML tab you should now see the following code highlighted:
Image:Connections Cloud - Upload Logo
all you have to do is to remove the property "value" which I have highlighted in red.
Image:Connections Cloud - Upload Logo
the result should look like this:
Image:Connections Cloud - Upload Logo
When completed just click "Save Changes" and your logo will be updated.


IBM Connections 5.5 Desktop Plug-in - without logging in at Greenhouse- 16 December 2015 - (1) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 16 December 2015

Rainer Brandl posted the availability of the new IBM Connections 5.5 Desktop Plug-In for Windows.
In order to download the package you would normally have to log in at Greenhouse first, then click the link "Get Download"

Maybe you noticed that the zip file itself is not hosted on Greenhouse, so you do not need to log in at all for downloading it.
Just head over to developerWorks and grab the file directly using this link:

Now available : Multi-Party Audio/Video conferencing for Connections Cloud- 2 July 2015 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 2 July 2015

On June 30th, 2015, a new capability, multi-party audio/video (A/V), became available in Connections Meetings Cloud.  

You can now use video and voice conferencing services using VoIP (Voice over IP) as part of the Connections Meetings offerings at no extra charge.
This feature is available for customers with the following subscriptions:
  • IBM Connections Cloud S1
  • IBM Connections Cloud S2
  • IBM Connections Meetings on Cloud
The optional Connections Cloud Audio Conference add-on can be purchased to work with toll and toll-free connections.

There is a public Technote which describes the process for Administrators to enable A/V for users in their organizations.

For more details on how to use it please see the following references:
Sharpen your camera focus and enjoy!

IBM HTTP Server - SSL Handshake Failed and why it matters to keep a backup of the key ring file- 20 September 2014 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 20 September 2014

All of a sudden (as usual) clients started to receive SSL expiration warnings when accessing the customer's Connections environment.

A quick look into the log file  /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/logs/error.log confirmed the SSL certificate has expired.:
[Sat Sep 20 22:21:05 2014] [error] [client] [8222a80] [30015] SSL0221E: SSL Handshake Failed, Either the certificate has expired or the system clock is incorrect. [ ->] [22:31:05.000019743]

Opening the *.kdb file with the gsktool showed the default certificate had expired.
Image:IBM HTTP Server -  SSL Handshake Failed and why it matters to keep a backup of the key ring file
Ok, nothing easier than that... so lets create a new signing request and get this signed by the certificate authority.
Once that is completed we can import the new certificate incl. any trusted roots quickly.

However when you try to import/receive your signed certificate keep the following in mind:
  • You can only import a signed certificate into >exactly< the same *.kdb file which was used to create the certificate request.

Within the iKeyman utility, switch from "Personal certificates" to "Personal Certificate Requests" (sorry, only got screenshots in German available and hope the translation is correct)
Image:IBM HTTP Server -  SSL Handshake Failed and why it matters to keep a backup of the key ring file

normally it would look like this...
Image:IBM HTTP Server -  SSL Handshake Failed and why it matters to keep a backup of the key ring file

but if it looks like the following screenshot, then bad luck... you can not import your signed certificate anymore.
Image:IBM HTTP Server -  SSL Handshake Failed and why it matters to keep a backup of the key ring file

Instead you'll see "The certificate request created for the certificate is not in the key database"  / "Die für das Zertifikat erstellte Zertifikatsanforderung ist nicht in der Schlüsseldatenbank vorhanden."
Image:IBM HTTP Server -  SSL Handshake Failed and why it matters to keep a backup of the key ring file

Now your options to solve this are:
a) find the original key ring file (*.kdb) which was used to create the certificate request
b) create a new certificate request, but this time make sure to keep the *.kdb file
c) set up a self signed certificate - although this is an option, it should not be considered
d) update the SSL directives on your IBM HTTP Server and set SSLClientAuth to "noverify". This will not fix the problem but will at least allow the server to be up and running with an expired certificate until you have obtained a new one.
(...if there are other options, please let me know)

Lessons learned:
  • Keep the key ring file backed up
  • Track certificate expiration time
  • When expired, take action well in advance
  • Even when delegating simple work, supply detailled instructions on least 250 pages

Off topic:
Why do I need to troubleshoot such a very very basic problem myself on a Saturday night?

Further reading:

IBM Docs- 2 March 2013 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 2 March 2013

In December IBM announced IBM Docs, a browser based office suite which allows collaborative document editing.
Yes, it allows working simultaniously at the same document with your colleagues. Try it yourself on Greenhouse

For production installations cloud based deployments can be requested via SmartCloud Docs , for on premise deployments download part # CIEZ2ML from Passport Advantage.
Note: It requires IBM Connections Files to be up and running.

There still are some known limitations of the current release:

Launchpad - Unable to find supported browser- 30 December 2012 - (1) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 30 December 2012

When installing IBM products based on Launchpad, such as IBM Websphere Application Server, newer Linux distributions might cause "Unable to find supported browser"

The launchpad application cannot start. This error typically occurs when a supported browser cannot be found.

Looking into details, you'll find Firefox v10 or later has been installed in your Linux distribution so you will need to modify the launchpad application to support those.

Two files  need to be modified...
    can be found in the installation packet itself at /launchpad/
    can be found after the product has been installed at /IBM/WebSphere/AppServer2/firststeps/

Modify each file so that it contains the following string in the supportedFirefoxVersion case statement:

*Firefox\ [1-9][0-9].*) return 0;;

The function should then look like this:



case "$*" in

*Firefox\ [1-9].*) return 0;;

*Firefox/[1-9].*) return 0;;

*Firefox\ [1-9][0-9].*) return 0;;

For more details, see
Technote 159598

Just search the folder where you have your installation files using the command
find ./ -iname ''

and modify the each file shown
  • tdi/launchpad/
  • WAS/launchpad/
  • WASSupp1/launchpad/
  • IBM_Connections_Install/launchpad/

IBM Connections Plugins you should have- 19 September 2012 - (1) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 19 September 2012

Based on a customer request, here are the links to the most wanted IBM Connections plugins....

In order to download them you'll need to click on Image:IBM Connections Plugins you should have in the top right corner and log on with your Greenhouse account.
The button will turn into a download button once you have logged in.

IBM Connections 4.0.0 - What you need to get started- 8 September 2012 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 8 September 2012

IBM Connections 4.0.0 has just been released under part number CB89IML (For licensing details, see this document)

In order to get this deployed in a Linux environment, here are the components you need for a medium deployment.

Download the following Installation Media from
Passport Advantage

IBM Connections V4.0 for AIX, Windows, Linux Multilingual eAssembly(CRJH8ML)
  • IBM Connections V4.0 Wizard for Linux, AIX Multilingual(CIA3HML) - 538 MByte
  • IBM Connections V4.0 for Linux, AIX Multilingual(CIA3EML) - 1516 MByte

IBM WebSphere Application Server for Connections 4.0 Multilingual Multiplatform eAssembly(CRJI0ML)
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V7.0 for Linux on x86-64 bit, Multilingual (C1G35ML) 771 MByte
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V7.0 Supplements (1 of 2) for Linux on x86-64 bit (C1G36ML) 246 MByte
    (you do not need Supplements 2 of 2 for the Pilot)
 IBM DB2 and Tivoli for Connections 4.0 Multilingual Multiplatform eAssembly(CRJH9ML)
  • IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator Identity Edition V7.1 for Linux x86, Multilingual(CZ9MMML) - 524 Mbyte
  • IBM DB2 9.7, Enterprise Server Edition - Restricted Use - QuickStart Guide and Activation Multiplatform Multilingual (CZ381ML) 2 MByte

Download the following Installation Media from
Fix Central
PS: Make sure to verify your environment with the system requirements documented in
Technote 703593.

IBM Connections 3.0.1 - What you need to get started- 16 February 2012 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 16 February 2012

Download the following Installation Media from Passport Advantage

IBM Connections 3.0.1 AIX®, Microsoft® Windows®, Linux Multilingual eAssembly(CRE03ML)
  • IBM Connections 3.0.1 for Linux, AIX Multilingual (CI3XPML) 1,220 MByte
  • IBM Connections 3.0.1 Wizard for Linux, AIX Multilingual (CZVR1ML) 305 MByte

IBM Connections 3.0.1 for Websphere Application Server Multilingual Multiplatform eAssembly (CRE3KML)
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V7.0 for Linux on x86-64 bit, Multilingual (C1G35ML) 771 MByte
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V7.0 Supplements (1 of 2) for Linux on x86-64 bit (C1G36ML) 246 MByte
    No need for 'Supplements 2 of 2' for a pilot installation

IBM Connections 3.0.1 for DB2 and Tivoli Multiplatform Multilingual eAssembly (CRE3LML)
  • IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator Identity Edition V7.0 for Linux Linux - x86-64, Multilingual (C1IF4ML) 386 MByte
  • IBM DB2 9.7, Enterprise Server Edition - Restricted Use - QuickStart Guide and Activation Multiplatform Multilingual (CZ381ML) 2 MByte

Download the following Installation Media from Fix Central
  • DB2 9.7 Fix Pack 5 for Linux/x86-64 (64 bit)
    v9.7fp5_linuxx64_server.tar.gz (759.34 MB)
  • IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator Fix Pack 7 (66 MByte)
  • IBM Websphere Application Server Fix Pack 21 for Linux 64bit x86,x86_64&function=textSearch&text=fix+pack+21
    7.0.0-WS-WASSDK-LinuxX64-FP0000021 = WebSphere Application Server Java SDK 1.6 SR9 FP2 on Linux 64-bit,x86_64 - 84 MByte
    7.0.0-WS-WAS-LinuxX64-FP0000021 = IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0.0 Fix Pack 21 for Linux 64-bit,x86_64 - 670 MByte
    7.0.0-WS-IHS-LinuxX64-FP0000021 = IBM HTTP Server Fix Pack on Linux 64-bit,x86_64 - 25 MByte
  • IBM Websphere Application Server UpdateInstaller FixPack21  see - 105 MByte

Thomas Hampel, All rights reserved.