Personal Blog of Thomas Hampel - Creative Mythbusting in Development and Collaboration

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Query results for : IBMConnect2014

Look what I’ve found- 18 January 2015 - (1) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 18 January 2015

Packing for IBM ConnectEd 2015 I stumbled into last years IBM Connect 2014 backpack...
The little surprise surprise I've found inside was the ***drumroll*** original Lotusphere Pretzel Cookie !!
Image:Look what I’ve found
No, I'm not planning to eat it althgouh its calories would last a month or two  Who knows what will happen if anyone would take a bite.
Given the fact that 2014 was the last year where the word Lotusphere appeared at the show, this cookie is probably turning into a collectors item.

I'm wondering if there are people who would try making big money by selling it on ebay?
Image:Look what I’ve found
Hint: Stop searching ebay, you can't really buy that cookie there.

Download Connect 2014 presentation files- 13 February 2014 - (1) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 13 February 2014

If you have not already managed to download the IBM Connect presentations with Stephan's instructions using CURL, here is a dummies guide for Firefox users.
Please note, those presentations are not publically available - to download them you need to authenticate with your IBM Connect credentials which can be found here:

Image:Download Connect 2014 presentation files

Step-by-step instructions:

1.        If not already installed, get
2.        Install the Plugin
DownThemAll!  ( for more information see )
3.        Open
page1 of the IBM Connect public files feed
4.        Authenticate using the credentials (see your IBM Connect badge)

5.        Right click on the page and choose "DownThemAll!..." to start the plugin

Image:Download Connect 2014 presentation files
6.        Set download options as shown below...
- Define where to store the downloaded files
- Set the filter to include only "Archives" & "Documents"

Image:Download Connect 2014 presentation files
7.        Start the download

Image:Download Connect 2014 presentation files
8.        Repeat step 5 to 7 with
page 2 of the feed

If everything worked out, you should have approx. 500 PDF files showing up in the folder specified above.

You might want to take a look at
Chris Miller's IBM Connect and Lotusphere slides database which currently hosts ~55 slide decks from IBM Connect 2014 and is publically accessible.
Furthermore Niklas Heidloff pulled together a
list of app dev sessions from IBM Connect 2014 , some more presentations can be found by searching Slideshare.

Unfortunately not all presentations are available for download - some speakers did not grant permission to publish the slides, so there's some content that is only available to people in the room.

If you did not make it to Orlando there's a chance to attend local events such as the
Rheinland Nachlese 2014 organized by TIMETOACT
Thomas Hampel, All rights reserved.