Personal Blog of Thomas Hampel - Creative Mythbusting in Development and Collaboration

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Query results for : Template

Improving the Mail Template in 12.0.x and 14.0 - Manage Return Receipts according to RFC 2298- 24 September 2024 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 24 September 2024

Just a short revisit of a previous blog post which I wrote 7 years ago based on a friendly request from a customer.

The code below is almost the same. It is just now avoiding to introduce a new variable named 'doc' and it is put at the beginning of the event to also cover situations where the document is opened in preview mode.

According to RFC 2298 it is recommended to show a dialog box where the recipient of a mail can decide weather or not a return receipt shall be sent back to the originator of the mail.
This behavior is not currently part of the Standard HCL Mail template.

To add this feature you have to modify the following design elements:

- Form “Memo”, Event "QueryOpenDocument", added the code shown below

- Form “Reply”, Event "QueryOpenDocument", added the code shown below

- Form “Reply With History”, Event "QueryOpenDocument", added the code shown below

Insert this code at the BEGINNING of the QueryOpenDocument event.

If Source.isNewDoc Then

 '# don' t do anything, as this is a new document


       If Source.document.GetItemValue("ReturnReceipt")(0) = "1"  And Source.document.HasItem ("DeliveredDate") Then

               If Messagebox ("The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you read this message." & Chr(13) & "Do you wish to notify the sender?", 36, "Send Return Receipt?") = 7 Then

                       Call Source.document.ReplaceItemValue ("ReturnReceipt", "0")

                       Call Source.document.Save(True, False, True)

               End If

       End If

End If

For clarity, this is what the QueryOpen event looks like BEFORE the modification:

Image:Improving the Mail Template in 12.0.x and 14.0 - Manage Return Receipts according to RFC 2298

and AFTER the modification it looks like this:

Image:Improving the Mail Template in 12.0.x and 14.0 - Manage Return Receipts according to RFC 2298

Open Sourcing Domino Templates - Part 1- 8 January 2024 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 8 January 2024

HCL just open sourced a number of Domino templates!

HCL just open sourced a number of Domino templates! This initiative of HCL was announced by Richard Jefts to support a more open and vibrant developer community.
Main purpose is to allow developers and partners to extend, modify and tweak the product templates, reuse parts of the code in own solutions and allowing those modified versions to be redistributed.
Now with the the Apache 2.0 license this will be possible. Also it is now possible to update these templates outside of product releases in a more consistent way if necessary.

Especially interesting is the (long awaited)
Domino Design Guide, containing icons, color schemes, and more for helping developers to build better looking applications.  
Image:Open Sourcing Domino Templates - Part 1

All the templates are provided in the same versions as shipping in HCL Notes/Domino 14 with the only differences that they are made available under the Apache 2.0 license and signed with the HCL OpenSource Signing ID.
The Git repository contains the source code of the English version of the templates, but all internationalized versions are also contained as downloadable *.ntf in there:
Latest Version
Domino CompareDBs
Lotus SmartSuite Document Library
Document Library
MS Office Document Library
RSS Feed Generator
Domino Design Guide
Password Reset Sample

All the source code above is using the new Yaml based OnDiskProjects in Domino Designer.

More templates, such as the Domino Configurtion Tuner and the Domino Blog template will be released soon. (@
Martin Ortega please stay tuned and watch this repo )

Who is owning them?

HCL still remains the owner of the original/unmodified version of the templates and will control which updates or changes will get merged into the main branch.
While contributions (pull requests) are technically allowed, HCL does not guarantuee that they will accept or merge them.
However, HCL as well as anyone else, has the right to take community contributions back to use them in future releases.

How about support?

HCL provides support only for the original, unmodified version of the template shipping with the HCL Domino product. Forks or any modified versions of the code are not officially supported. Users who choose to fork the code or make modifications do so at their own risk and are responsible for any resulting issues or changes. HCL cannot guarantee assistance or troubleshooting for forked versions, and users are encouraged to refer to the official documentation for guidance on customization and modification. Defect tracking and support questions for the unchanged templates are preferred to be handled via the normal support process.

PS: Special greetings to
Niklas Heidloff, who might remember his OpenNTF blog post from a decade ago.

Improving the Mail Template 9.0.1FP9 - Manage Return Receipts according to RFC 2298- 19 September 2017 - (0) Comments

Thomas Hampel
 19 September 2017

According to RFC 2298 it is recommended to show a dialog box where the recipient of a mail can decide weather or not a return receipt shall be sent back to the originator of the mail. This behavior is not currently part of the Standard IBM Mail template.

To add this feature you have to modify the following design elements:
  • Form “Memo”, Event "QueryOpenDocument", added the code shown below
  • Form “Reply”, Event "QueryOpenDocument", added the code shown below
  • Form “ReplyWithHistory”, Event "QueryOpenDocument", added the code shown below

Insert this code at the end of the QueryOpenDocument event.

Set doc = Source.document
If Source.isNewDoc Then
        '# don' t do anything, as this is a new document
        If doc.GetItemValue("ReturnReceipt")(0) = "1"  And doc.HasItem ("DeliveredDate") Then
                If MessageBox ("The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you read this message." & Chr(13) & "Do you wish to notify the sender?", 36, "Send Return Receipt?") = 7 Then
                        Call doc.ReplaceItemValue ("ReturnReceipt", "0")
                        Call doc.Save(True, False, true)
                End if
        End If
End If


Thomas Hampel, All rights reserved.