Query results for : January 2013
IBM Lotus Connector for SAP Solutions with IBM Lotus Enterprise Integrator for Domino 8.5.3 64-bit- 23 January 2013 - (2) Comments
Thomas Hampel
23 January 2013For running IBM Lotus Connector for SAP Solutions with the 64bit version of IBM Lotus Enterprise Integrator for Domino 8.5.3, you will need the following packages:
Part nr. Software name
CRG0LEN IBM Lotus Enterprise Integrator for Domino V8.5.3 Multi O/S English 64-bit
CZN8CEN IBM Lotus Connector for SAP Solutions 2.0.1 64-bit
Unfortunately this is not enough - according to the LEI documentation there should be one more file "librfc32.dll" which is missing
librfc32.dll <- not present in the package, missing !
The file can be found in the 64-bit version of SAP RFC SDK 6.40 kit which is not part of the IBM packages
This software is only available from SAP via the SAP Marketplace., so download and unpack the SAP RFC SDK to find the DLL you are looking for.
Copy the DLL files from the SDK into the same place as the other libraries above (e.g. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ ) to make the SAP Connector work.
Backup Notes ID on local computer- 14 January 2013 - (0) Comments
Thomas Hampel
14 January 2013On special request of a customer, I'm posting a little LotusScript to back up the current NotesID locally.
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim NotesID$, BackupID$, NotesData$
NotesData = s.Getenvironmentstring("Directory", True)
NotesID$ = s.Getenvironmentstring("KeyFileName", True)
'# check if the 2nd character in the string NotesID is a ':'
If Not Right(Left(NotesID$,2),1) = ":" Then
'# NotesID is located within Data Directory
NotesID$ = NotesData$ & "\" & NotesID$
End If
Print "Current NotesID is : " & NotesID$
BackupID$ = NotesID$ & ".bak"
Print "Backup will be stored in : " & BackupID$
If Dir$ (BackupID$,0)="" Then
'# No previous backup found, so okay to continue
'# Previous backup found, so deleting existing file and create a new backup
Print "Previous backup found, so deleting existing file and create a new backup"
Kill BackupID$
End If
Print "Creating a backup of your NotesID in : " & BackupID$
FileCopy NotesID$, BackupID$
MsgBox "A backup of you Notes User ID was created in " & Chr(13) & BackupID$
Resizing Partitions in a virtualized environment- 12 January 2013 - (0) Comments
Thomas Hampel
12 January 2013Running lots of virtual machines on the same hypervisor is not a problem until reaching the point of running out of disk space for one virtual machine.
Its not a complex task to assign more disk space to an existing VM.
When using Redhat or CentOS, you can increase the file size on the fly. See this VMware knowledge base article.
for other operating systems LiveCDs like Gparted or Parted Magic will do the job.
Step by step instructions for using Gparted are available, e.g. here.