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Opening another mail file is causing Type mismatch in method CoerStrToNum: STRING found, DOUBLE expected

Thomas Hampel
 7 January 2015

Opening the mail file of another person is causing the message "Type mismatch in method CoerStrToNum: STRING found, DOUBLE expected" to be displayed:
Image:Opening another mail file is causing Type mismatch in method CoerStrToNum: STRING found, DOUBLE expected
While IBM Technote 1303181 only provides a basic idea of what is wrong, it does not give any idea what can be done to fix it.
So I had to look into details and quickly found the problem.

Steps to reproduce

In order to reproduce the problem, this is what you have to do:
  • Make sure you have the Notes.ini variable CHECK_QUOTA_ON_MAIL_CREATE set to 1
  • Open another person's mail file, this will write the current date at the end of the Notes.ini variable DELEGATED_MAIL_FILEx
  • Close your Notes client
  • Change the date format of your operating system from DD.MM.YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY (or the other way around)
  • Open the same other persons mail file again.


Trying to find the root cause with debugging enabled shows a different error "*CE39918+421: Type mismatch"
Image:Opening another mail file is causing Type mismatch in method CoerStrToNum: STRING found, DOUBLE expected
but at least it indiicates the problem is located in the Database Open script.
Image:Opening another mail file is causing Type mismatch in method CoerStrToNum: STRING found, DOUBLE expected

What is causing this problem?

Obviously it is a String to Date conversion issue. Storing a Date in a String to convert it back to a date is never a good idea. If you really need to do it you should not rely on the CDat function to work. Write your own function which does ignore the
Regional settings - in specific the date format - of this workstation have been changed.

Resolving the problem

Change the date format of your operating system back to what it should be.
If the date format of your computer is correct and the problem still persists, then manually update your Notes.ini and remove all lines starting with DELEGATED_MAIL_FILE or by updating the date format at the end of this line yourself.

Permanent solution

A perfect solution would require to update the mail template to be updated. in specific the script Library "CheckQuotas" contains a class called "CheckQuota" with the Sub "SetCalMgrINI"
This sub contains several references where a string is being converted to a date. This is where additional verification is required to ensure the string value is a date which can be converted using the current regional settings.
Image:Opening another mail file is causing Type mismatch in method CoerStrToNum: STRING found, DOUBLE expected
Tagged with: Code Error Notes

1.) Comment

Lars Berntrop-Bos 09/01/2015 13:42:27

Proposed new sub: writes all dates in iso8601 format.

Sub SetCalMgrINI

If db.Server <> "" Then

Dim servName As New NotesName(db.Server)

Dim retStr As String

Dim tmpDate As String

Dim oldestDate As String

Dim idxOldestDelegated As Integer

Dim idxDelegated As Integer

Dim strToday As String

Const iso8601date = "yyyy-mm-dd"



Dim nmCom As String

idxDelegated = 1

retStr = Me.getEnvStr(INI_VAR & idxDelegated)

strToday = Format$(Today, iso8601date)

nmCom = ownerName.Common

Do While retStr <> ""

tmpDate = StrRightBack(retStr, "_")

If Instr(1, retStr, nmCom, 5) = 1 Then ' found common name (was <>0, but given format below, should be 1!)

If tmpDate <> strToday Then ' set date if not today in ISO8601

Call Me.setEnv(INI_VAR & idxDelegated, nmCom + "_" + servName.Abbreviated + "!!" + db.FilePath + "_" + strToday)

End If

Exit Sub 'found, so exit

End If

' Store oldest date

If tmpDate Like "####-##-##" Then ' Is found Date iso?

If oldestDate = "" Or tmpDate < oldestDate Then ' is oldest empty or earlier than current

oldestDate = tmpDate

idxOldestDelegated = idxDelegated

End If

Else ' if not iso, mark it as oldest

idxOldestDelegated = idxDelegated

End If

idxDelegated = idxDelegated + 1

If idxDelegated > MAX_DELEGATED Then ' if max reached, overwrite oldest found

idxDelegated = idxOldestDelegated

Exit Do

End If

retStr = Me.getEnvStr(INI_VAR & idxDelegated)


Call Me.setEnv(INI_VAR & idxDelegated, nmCom + "_" + servName.Abbreviated + "!!" + db.FilePath + "_" + strToday)

End If

End Sub

2.) Untitled

Richard Luijten http:// 12/01/2015 18:09:30

Today I had this problem as well.

A user that is a a business trip changed the regional settings from German(Austria) to English (Malaysia).

As soon as the quota check for delegated mail check is done the error occurs.

I have fixed this by sending the user a button that deleted the DELEGATED_MAIL_FILE entries from the notes.ini

Dim Session As New NotesSession

Dim MailName As String

Dim i As Integer

For i=1 To 35

MailName = Strleft(Session.GetEnvironmentString("DELEGATED_MAIL_FILE" & i, True),"_")

Call Session.SetEnvironmentVar("DELEGATED_MAIL_FILE" & i , "", True)

If MailName <> "" Then

Call Session.SetEnvironmentVar(MailName & "_LastMailDbSize","",True)

Call Session.SetEnvironmentVar(MailName & "_LastMailDbWarningQuota","",True)

Call Session.SetEnvironmentVar(MailName & "_LastMailDbMaxQuota","",True)

End If


Thomas Hampel, All rights reserved.