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AMgr: Console command ’LOG.NSF’ is unknown

Thomas Hampel
 13 May 2014

After upgrading to Domino 9.0.1 the following messages show up at the console.
It seems the agent manager is trying to send file names as commands to the server's console...

AMgr: Console command 'ddm.nsf' is unknown
AMgr: Console command 'admin4.nsf' is unknown
AMgr: Console command 'LOG.NSF' is unknown
AMgr: Console command 'LOG.NSF' is unknown
AMgr: Console command 'ddm.nsf' is unknown
AMgr: Console command 'ddm.nsf' is unknown
AMgr: Console command 'admin4.nsf' is unknown
AMgr: Console command 'admin4.nsf' is unknown
AMgr: Console command 'LOG.NSF' is unknown
AMgr: Console command 'LOG.NSF' is unknown

It turned out that its a small bug that was introduced in Domino 9.0.1 - the problem is already known and has been documented in SPR# CSAO9FR9ZS
A local workaround is documented here => LO78790: AMGR: CONSOLE COMMAND 'XXX.NSF' IS UNKNOWN SHOWS REPEATEDLY
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