Backup Notes ID on local computer
Thomas Hampel
14 January 2013On special request of a customer, I'm posting a little LotusScript to back up the current NotesID locally.
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim NotesID$, BackupID$, NotesData$
NotesData = s.Getenvironmentstring("Directory", True)
NotesID$ = s.Getenvironmentstring("KeyFileName", True)
'# check if the 2nd character in the string NotesID is a ':'
If Not Right(Left(NotesID$,2),1) = ":" Then
'# NotesID is located within Data Directory
NotesID$ = NotesData$ & "\" & NotesID$
End If
Print "Current NotesID is : " & NotesID$
BackupID$ = NotesID$ & ".bak"
Print "Backup will be stored in : " & BackupID$
If Dir$ (BackupID$,0)="" Then
'# No previous backup found, so okay to continue
'# Previous backup found, so deleting existing file and create a new backup
Print "Previous backup found, so deleting existing file and create a new backup"
Kill BackupID$
End If
Print "Creating a backup of your NotesID in : " & BackupID$
FileCopy NotesID$, BackupID$
MsgBox "A backup of you Notes User ID was created in " & Chr(13) & BackupID$