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Converting Private to Public folders

Thomas Hampel
 6 February 2014

After a migration from Exchange to Domino a customer reported that some folders are not visible iNotes but are available for the Notes Client.
In this particular case the folders not showing up have been created as private folders...and private folders are not supported in iNotes as documented in IBM Technote 1445118

Changing the field flags of the folder design element from private to public turned out not to be working anymore. A script which I have been using to resolve this problem with earlier versions of Notes did not work and just created a folder which can not be deleted/moved/renamed.
So I wrote this small script to fix the problem by creating a new temp folder -which will not be private by default- and moving documents from the private folder into the newly created folder. Once done, deleting the private folder and renaming the new folder.

One small drawback is that the original folder design will get lost because we are creating a brand new folder from the default folder design.
However, feel free to use this script at your own risk.

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Tagged with: Code Exchange Notes Migration
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