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Domino CA Process ’Error processing CCS Mod Request’

Thomas Hampel
 3 June 2015

The CA process in Domino is a server task to manage and process certificate requests. It is very helpful if you want support staff to register new users without knowing the password to your Domino Certificate.
As employees join or leave the support team you'll have to add / remove people from the list of Registration Authorities by using "Modify Certifier" from the Administrator Client tools menu.
Image:Domino CA Process ’Error processing CCS Mod Request’

Granting access for a new team member as usual...
Image:Domino CA Process ’Error processing CCS Mod Request’

and submitted the request
Image:Domino CA Process ’Error processing CCS Mod Request’

seemed to be successful
Image:Domino CA Process ’Error processing CCS Mod Request’

...but according to the log the Domino CA modification request failed with this error:
CA Process (OU=OU/O=Company): Error processing CCS Mod Request.: There is no certificate in the Address Book.

Root cause
One or more people listed in the first dialog do not have a person document in the Domino Directory or the person document does not have a public key specified.
Image:Domino CA Process ’Error processing CCS Mod Request’

First remove users which dont have a corresponding person document, and save + submit the request before adding new names.
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Tagged with: Domino Error
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