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EMC SourceOne

Thomas Hampel
 27 September 2012

When running EMC SourceOne with Domino, it might happen that users can only see a subset of the mails they have received, even if the mail itself is stored in the EMC system.
Here are the details...

When logging in with Active Directory credentials, users can only see emails which have been sent to the internet address of that user.
Logging in with Notes/Domino user name and HTTPPassword, only the Lotus Notes mails can be found.

By opening one email in each account and looking at the header, it became clear that EMC SourceOne can not associate the AD user name with the Notes user name.
The Notes user name is stored in a custom attribute of the Active Directory user object, but there is no option to customize the EMC software to make use of this attribute.

For each mail, EMC seems to use the recipients name as a string to search ActiveDirectory. So if the mail has been sent to "" it will find a corresponding user in AD and can associate it with the user.
When the mail is sent to "Firstname Lastname/OU/O", there is no corresponding user in AD, at least not among the list of objects which EMC is searching in.

Those of you who have already migrated from Exchange to Domino already know that for perfect CoExistence between both systems, the AD user needs to have a Notes proxyAddress defined.
Based on this knowledge it was easy to resolve the problem.

adding the Notes user name to the list of email addresses ("proxyAddresses") in  the AD user object resolved the issue.
Image:EMC SourceOne

The result is another proxy address "NOTES:CN=Firstname Lastname/OU=X/O=Y" in addition to the internet address itself.
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Tagged with: Domino Notes EMC
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