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Enjoy the summer with HCL Nomad

Thomas Hampel
 14 July 2022

Whilst the weather is good, you dont have to sit in the office to get work done. You can now take your data offline and work anywhere with the newest features we have added to HCL Nomad Web.
Imagine you are waking up in the morning, its a wonderful day and you decide to take your coffee and your laptop and wander down to the end of your garden where the WiFi doesnt reach.
No need to be disappointed or distracted by social media pinging you all the time. Just focussing on your work. Now this is possible with HCL Nomad Web just like it is with the Notes client.
Vaction disclaimer: HCL does not promote taking your work on holiday with you. :)

HCL Nomad for Web Browsers
For HCL Nomad Web, version 1.0.4 is now available to entitled customers for download on Flexnet.
This release now fully supports replication and offline mode to work in local replicas.
For further information about this HCL Nomad for web browsers release, please refer to the What's New page and the also release notes.

HCL Nomad for iOS and Android
New versions have also just been released for iOS and Android.
Customers should note that those versions will be minimum version to support the new Nomad Server on Domino that is planned to be shipping in September

HCL Nomad 1.0.22 for iOS was released Monday July 11th - it is avaliable now on the app store
This release mainly contains bug fixes like API currency updates raising minimum iOS level to 13 or higher (latest is iOS 15).

HCL Nomad 1.0.31 for Android released on the Google Play store on June 30th and Flexnet on July 5th and is providing defect fixes.

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