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False Alarm: New Domino Backdoor

Thomas Hampel
 20 April 2023

IBM XForce is well known for the quality of their research - however this time I'm wondering about the publication.
discovered and analyzed a new type of malware (so far so good) and they named it ... "Domino"

Don't Panic!

HCL already published
this technote to clarify that this is unrelated to the HCL Domino product and has requested IBM Security X-Force to correct this unfortunate use of HCLSoftware’s registered and licensed product name.

IBM updated their article and have renamed the malware - it is now called "Minodo"

In short:

1. There is no backdoor in HCL Domino

2. The new malware which IBM has discovered has NOTHING to do with HCL Domino.

3. This malware does NOT affect HCL Domino

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Tagged with: Domino IBM Security
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