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ID Vault - Error 03:11

Thomas Hampel
 8 June 2012

When deploying the IDVault, administrators may see the following error in the Log.nsf of the server hosting the IDVault.

06/08/2012 04:54:18 PM  ID failed to upload to vault 'O=XYZ-IDVault'.  'Firstname Lastname/OU/O' (IP Address a.b.c.d:port) made request.  Error: 03:11
06/08/2012 04:59:16 PM  Unable to find ID for 'Firstname Lastname/OU/O' in vault 'O=XYZ-IDVault'.  Error: 03:11

Image:ID Vault - Error 03:11
Root cause for this is a pending name change reuqest which was not applied to the user. Take a look into the person document of this user, especially the tab "Administration",
the Client Information section will display if there are any pending name change requests outstanding.

Technically the name change request is stored in a field called "ChangeRequest", supported by "ChangeRequestDate" which is storing the date/time of when this request was initiated.
In my particular case, the name change request was almost 3 years old and it was not possible to find out what has caused this request to still appear in the system.

Image:ID Vault - Error 03:11

Remove both fields (or set them to an empty value) e..g. by using the
Change Any Field method
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