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Surviving the next Polar Vortex - Retro Computer Games for Apple iOS (iPhone/iPad)

Thomas Hampel
 22 December 2014

Warning: This is an off-topic post about retro computer games for Apple iOS (iPhone/iPad) - if you object you may browse elsewhere.

For most kids today play games are probably the first thing they do with computers before learning how to write code
But even experienced developers like John David Head seem to enjoy computer games every once in a while, and so do I. Of course only when time allows.

Personally I dont care much about graphics, I'm more interested in the gameplay, I like clever puzzles, I like funny stories and other things like that. So classic / retro computer games are the perfect fit.
Some people are collecting old hardware, or build their own retro console using a Raspberry PI just to play old games.
The more easy route is to spend time on cold and dark winter nights (like this Sunday) for taking a look into the Apple iTunes Store to see what games can potentially be interesting for people like me.

The following list of classic/retro games and game remakes should provide you with plenty of food for the next polar vortex or whatever excuse you have to play again.
Certainly I have tested a few of those games but not at all everything on that list. Unfortunately some good titles which I wanted to add have already been removed from the AppStore (like SimCity), so if you find a game you like, better buy it asap.

How about you? What are your favorite (retro/classic) Games on iOS or other platforms ? What is missing in the list below? Let me know by leaving a comment...
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Arcade (Beat'em up)
Jump'n Run
2D Shooter
3D Shooter
Strategy Sport / Simulation
Special Games or Collections
Furhter reading & listening...
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