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Sametime community must be set as your default server community

Thomas Hampel
 28 May 2015

If you are working in a support organization it might be requried to connect to multiple Sametime environments at once, e.g. your own environment and the customers Sametime environment.
By default a Sametime Community is configured so that you can not add it as a secondary community. Users will get the following error message when they try to connect to it:
Image:Sametime community must be set as your default server community
"To log into the [ServerName] server community, it must be set as your default server community. Either reset user to login directly or contact your system administrator"

Your system administrator will have to disable the setting "User must set this community as the default server community (IC)" within your Sametime System Console.
If you have been reading my previous blog post about policies.user.xml parameters, you will know that you can change this setting even when you dont have a Sametime System Console in place.

The attribute in question is this one:
Attribute Group "" policy-attribute id current-value
User must set this community as the default server community (IC) im.2019 0

So all your system administrator needs to do is to update this parameter on the Sametime Community server by editing the file [DominoData]\policies.user.xml and change the policy attribute "im.2019" from "1" to "0"
After saving changes and restarting the staddin task on your Sametime Communtiy server, you can add this community as a secondary community in your Sametime client.
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