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Source Control in Domino Designer 8.5.3

Thomas Hampel
 10 October 2012

Trying to set up a new machine with Domino Designer 8.5.3 and Source Control (SVN) based on this Blog post from Niklas Heidloff unfortunately was not working as expected.
It seems like the
Eclipse Update site for GEF which was refernced in his blog post was not available any longer.

> CWPPR0031: The requested provisioning operation(s) completed with partial success.

> Error parsing site stream. [The XML stream is not a valid default "site.xml" file. The root tag is not site.]

Image:Source Control in Domino Designer 8.5.3

A quick search brought me to the an update site hosting the
older versions recommended, adding it to the Application Locations fixed this small problem.
Image:Source Control in Domino Designer 8.5.3

Although this is one way to make it work, the most simple way is to make use of a ready-built Update Site from OpenNTF, see this project
Basically you need to download & unzip this file to your loal disk, and point the application installer to this update site.

Happy coding!
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