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Users can create new mails despite being over quota

Thomas Hampel
 29 May 2015

You have deployed mail quotas in your environment and your Notes Clients are configured to use local replicas or managed replicas.
Still you experience mail files are growing over quota limits without user complaints. How is this possible?

It seems there is a bug in the IBM Domino mail template version 9.0.1 which allows to create and send new mails even when the mail file is over quota.

Reproducing the problem

When working on the server replica:
  • create a new mail and try to save it will correctly display this warning:
    Image:Users can create new mails despite being over quota
When working on the local replica:
  • Create a new mail will display this error message, but clicking OK allows to continue saving & sending the new mail.
    Image:Users can create new mails despite being over quota
    Notes.ini variables have been verified to be set correctly on the client

The problem is known to IBM and is documented as LO83693 "Enforcing Quotas on new mail creation in local based mail files not reliably working in Notes 9.0.1"

How to fix it

As usual there are two options:
a) Wait for IBM to provide a new version of the mail template - maybe this will be done in the next major release.
b) fix it yourself by modifying the template with your Domino Designer client as described below:

Within the QueryOpen event of the form(s)  "Memo", "Reply" and "Reply with History" , "To Do", "_Calendar Entry", etc. search for the quota checking code and remove the "Executive" statement incl. its brackets.
Image:Users can create new mails despite being over quota

Interesting to note that special forms do not contain this code so they do not need to be patched
Image:Users can create new mails despite being over quota
Please note that design elements need to be signed properly in order to avoid ECL warnings on the client side.

  • LO83693: Enforcing Quotas on new mail creation in local based mail files not reliably working in Notes 9.0.1

Special thanks to Michal Wolczyk for this analysis and Marc for finding this bug.
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